(Start from the beginning)
(…continued from Log Entry 5)

First thing the next morning, my powered armor returns with a full report of its travels. A few commands put it back in adventure mode, and I’m off to an early start!
I recall having heard of a campsite not too far from here. Perhaps it would serve as a decent base of operation for a time. Trekking back into familiar territory reveals a campsite, as expected.
Setting to work to build a small fire, a man with a similar idea calls out with an offer of assistance. I figure what’s the worst that can happen? Accepting his help, the man quickly gets the fire started and tells me of a wonderful invention he has come up with. It is essentially a chainsaw that fits over your arm, but with some fancy bells and whistles. When opportunity knocks!
I immediately volunteer to field test this bad boy! I perform a few combat maneuvers, and I’ll admit I was a little off getting going, but I nailed the finale. His jaw almost dropped, and he decides that there couldn’t be a better test candidate. I think it was the powered armor, it’s kind of hard to miss, and while I may not be entirely objective, I have to say it’s pretty impressive.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the prototype with him, but he does give me a schematic he drew out and some pieces I can use for my own build. With a bounce in my step, I set off to find the rest of what I need to make this thing an awesome reality.
It already feels like luck is swinging my way, and… (continued in Log Entry 7)
Start of Round:
Spend 1 Water Ration to recharge to 4 Actions (I did this, but forgot to mention it in Round 1). If a player does not have a Water Ration, they may only recharge to 3 Actions.
Round 2: Action 1
Move up to Move stat (listed on Player Board) number of hexes. Moving to an area with many adjacent Actions to perform is helpful!
Action Counter on Player Board is moved from 4 to 3.

Round 2: Action 2
Investigate Point of Interest #3, roll d20 when directed on tab 3 of Adventure book. Option #2 “Volunteer to Field Test” is selected for a Combat Check 11.
Spend 1 Water Ration to add a bonus d4 to the roll. First roll of 9 is a FAIL. Pistol is damaged to reroll the Combat Check. Second roll of 4 is a FAIL. Pistol is again damaged to reroll the Combat Check.
Finally, the third roll of 15 is a PASS! The reward is Schematic 12 – Chainsaw Arm, 2 salvage and a player always receives a yellow ring for successfully Investigating a Point of Interest.
Action Counter on Player Board is moved from 3 to 2.
Neon Dawn is available to play now on both Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia, so please check it out if it looks interesting!

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