(Start from the beginning)
(…continued from Log Entry 9)
As I reach the edge of known territory, I decide to get a look from higher ground. In the distance, I see a blinking lights, barely visible through the midday haze. That seems promising, so I begin to walk.
Making my way through the haze, the lights become clearer, and there are so many. They are neon lights and signs, too numerous to count. The amount of power being sucked down is staggering.
The lights are almost blinding as I approach. One enormous neon sign cresting the main road leading into a cluster of buildings reads, “Welcome to Afterglow! The shining capital of the waste!”
I laugh to myself. I hadn’t thought it would be difficult to find another settlement, but I hadn’t expected success so quickly. No reason to question, so I stroll into the city.
A sweet bike catches my attention at the General Store. It’s decked out with thought capable on-board computer, the EX-5T specifically. One that I am quite familiar with, and the possibilities fill my head. I must have it.
The shop owner drives a hard bargain, but is willing to give the motorcycle in exchange for some coin and my powered armor. The armor did what I needed it to do, but now it’s time to move on, plus the saddlebags are packed with food as part of the deal.
On the way out of Afterglow, I stop by the local authorities to spread some diplomatic peace, love, happiness, and all that civil stuff. I’ve got a mission to attend to after all.
A short distance… (continued in Log Entry 11)
Round 3: Action 3
Scout Action reveals Afterglow, the green Settlement. As part of the Scout Action, the player is able to visit 1 Location within the discovered Settlement. Discovering player gains 1 Reputation with all open Settlements.

General Store is selected and the Powered Armor Companion is swapped for the Motorcycle Companion. The Preserved Food Consumable was purchased for 3 Credits as well.

Progress is made on the Diplomacy Mission for visiting another Settlement.

(Continued in Log Entry 11)
Neon Dawn is available to play now on both Tabletop Simulator and Tabletopia, so please check it out if it looks interesting!

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